Midlife check-in

An 2016 ONS wellbeing survey, found that among those questioned, financial anxiety reached its peak between the ages of 45 and 59. And it’s not hard to see why.

With a mortgage not yet paid off, children still living at home or maybe away on expensive university courses, pensions to fund, and the everyday expenses of commuting to work and living a busy life, middle age can see your finances squeezed from all angles.

Making it precisely the time for an MOT. A financial check-in at this point will allow you to answer questions such us: Are you saving enough into your pension? When will you have built up enough of a pension pot to retire? How strong are your finances if your circumstances were to change? And importantly, what do want from life, what would bring you a greater sense of fulfillment, and can you afford to be focusing more on your own personal ambitions?

Taking the time out to stop and assess where you’re going and whether it’s a direction you’re truly happy with, can be difficult when you’re caught up with the daily grind. We provide the time and the space to take a step back and work out if there’s anything your life is missing.

How we help

Make decisions on your priorities

Should you focus on paying off your mortgage? Or increasing contributions to your pension? Or should your first priority be getting your children through university and onto the housing ladder? If you’re losing sleep over where best to channel your hard-earned money, financial planning is an excellent
way of understanding your options and getting answers to your questions. With the help of cutting edge cashflow modelling technology, we can identify the best way for you to achieve your goals with the income you have.

Get organised

You’re not sure how many different pension pots you have, and where they all are now. Your life insurance was taken out so long ago, you don’t know whether it’s still fit for purpose. You have some savings but no idea whether they’re the best arrangements to help you meet your long-term goals. You’re not alone. Clients often come to see us with a pick ‘n’ mix of plans and policies taken out over decades. We’ll analyse what’s working for you, what’s not and help you build a plan that ensures every arrangement you have is working in your best interests and to the same end.

Understand your pension options

You know the state pension age is creeping up, but you’re not sure how this will affect you and whether you should be looking at different arrangements to your pension. You want to be able to retire while you’re still young enough to enjoy it, but don’t know how much you’ll need to save to make it a reality. If retirement is still a way off, but feels like something you should be giving some serious thought to, we’ll help you explore what you might want from the next phase of your life and get a clear idea of what you’ll need to do to make that a reality.

Create and manage an investment portfolio

A well-built investment portfolio, aligned to your personal goals, priorities and individual attitude to risk, will help fuel your financial future. There is no reason to risk what you have and need for what you don’t have and don’t need. Which is why our philosophy is that good investing isn’t about earning the highest returns, because the highest returns are often one-off hits that can’t be repeated: it’s about earning good returns that you can stick with and which can be repeated for the longest period of time.

Please note, your capital is at risk. The value of your investment (and any income from them) can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investments should be considered over the longer term and should fit in with your overall attitude to risk and financial circumstances.

More life transitions

Starting a family

Starting a family is a hugely exciting time. But, as you may already be aware, it can put a squeeze on your finances.

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Divorce or separation

A divorce can be a psychological and financial hammer blow. But with our help, you can start to plan, look forward and rebuild.

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Selling a business

Whether you're mid-process or still weighing up your options, we start by establishing your vision for your future.

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Receiving an inheritance or lump sum

A life-changing sum of money can do life-changing things. Deciding on the best way to use it, therefore, can feel like a big responsibility.

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There is no longer just one way to do retirement with greater freedoms and more choices than ever before. Finding the right way for you is key.

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Death of a loved one

Receiving help to deal with the financial as well as the emotional implications of loss can make all the difference when have been bereaved.

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Entering later life

As you approach later life, you will be looking for security. With our help you can gain peace of mind knowing every scenario is planned for.

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Our clients

Our clients are living proof that financial planning works. Hear their stories and see how we can help you achieve the life you want.

Hear their stories

Working with Velocity makes me feel reassured about my finances

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