Divorce or separation

Let’s not beat around the bush, a divorce can be a psychological and financial hammer blow. Without a clear idea of what you’re going to do next, how you visualise your future and how you will fund your plans, it has the potential to leave you feeling extremely vulnerable. And that’s just an amicable split.

But there is light at the tunnel, even if it doesn’t feel that way right now.

We help those who are going through a break-up in many different ways. But ultimately, we are here to help you identify what you want to achieve with your life next, and build a solid plan to ensure your plans are supported by your finances so you get there with confidence.

How we help


We can lighten the burden when it comes to understanding your current financial picture, giving you a heads-up on what you need to know and one less thing to think about. We can also help you understand what assets and income you and your partner have, and help you understand the value of your respective positions.


Engaging the services of a financial planner at the start of the divorce process can help ensure that you correctly identify all your financial assets and that any tax planning opportunities are used. When it comes to agreeing a settlement, we can show you the implications of any proposed settlement on your lifetime cashflow forecast, and help you feel more informed and in control.

Building back and new beginnings

We can answer the practical questions such as, can you afford to stay in the same home? What does retirement look like now? Once you have a clear view of your finances and a vision for what your future could look like, you can start to look forward, plan and rebuild.

Support for the journey

Life transitions don’t happen overnight. It can take time to feel like you again and achieve the goals you set yourself. We will be here for the duration, supporting you every step of the way, ensuring your plan keeps pace with your changing life, needs and aspirations. We’ll work alongside your solicitor where you need us to be a team, ensuring your interests are best served at all times.

More life transitions

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Selling a business

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Midlife check-in

You lead a busy life and retirement is still a way off, but with unfulfilled ambitions to tick off the bucket list, you could do with a check-in on your finances.

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Receiving an inheritance or lump sum

A life-changing sum of money can do life-changing things. Deciding on the best way to use it, therefore, can feel like a big responsibility.

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There is no longer just one way to do retirement with greater freedoms and more choices than ever before. Finding the right way for you is key.

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Death of a loved one

Receiving help to deal with the financial as well as the emotional implications of loss can make all the difference when have been bereaved.

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Entering later life

As you approach later life, you will be looking for security. With our help you can gain peace of mind knowing every scenario is planned for.

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Our clients

Our clients are living proof that financial planning works. Hear their stories and see how we can help you achieve the life you want.

Hear their stories

Velocity gave me sensible, down-to-earth and understandable advice

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