Death of a loved one
Losing a loved one brings many challenges – emotional, practical and financial. We provide gentle support, at your pace, whenever you are ready.
How we help will differ for every person. You may be looking for help with immediate day-to-day cash flow and budgeting worries, or advice on urgent financial decisions that you need to take. You may be worried about your ability to continue in your current lifestyle over the longer term and have questions about whether you need to change your living arrangements, insurance policies or retirement plans, for example. In all cases, we know that facing complex financial paperwork and big life-changing decisions when you are grieving can feel overwhelming, particularly if you weren’t the person who was used to dealing with the money in your relationship.
We are here to provide answers to your questions, clarity over your long term financial security, and a plan that gives you confidence in your future.
How we help
Understanding your current financial picture
We know that making sense of your finances when you are grieving is hard. And that even arranging a meeting and finding someone to help can feel like another mountain to climb. We don't apply pressure or rush our clients. But we are here, whenever the time feels right, to help you review your financial picture and understand how the death of your loved one has changed things. We'll explain things in plain English, without the unnecessary jargon, show you what you have, what you need and how you can ensure you financial security going forward.
Gain confidence in your ability to manage your day-to-day finances
Bereavement can bring with it new financial decisions and responsibilities that, if you weren’t the person who was used to dealing with the money in your relationship, can feel terrifying. We will provide information and unbiased advice whenever you need it, for as long as you need it. There are no silly questions. From questions about pensions, insurance or paying bills, to how much you can afford to spend on your weekly shop, our role is to take away the fear and give you financial confidence in return.
Define your future financial and lifestyle goals
More than any other transition, the death of a loved one is defined first and foremost by a loss. Alongside the loss of the person you are grieving, you may also be experiencing a loss of a life vision you had all mapped out, and even a lost sense of purpose or direction too. Lifestyle financial planning is not just about working out where the pounds and pence will come from to fund your life going forward; it is also about helping you work out what that life will look like, and the direction you now want to take.
Implement any changes you wish to make to your financial arrangements
Grief takes time and as long as your immediate financial arrangements allow you to live well, the rest can wait. At some point, however, you will want to take some bigger picture financial decisions. They may be decisions relating to where you live, your plans for retirement or your lifestyle. We help you explore your options, use sophisticated cashflow modelling tools to help you make informed decisions, and take away as much of the work as possible when it comes to implementing the changes.